A Pedagogical Perspective on Motherliness

Barnard, Freda
  • Translation (2008) [EDITED February 2024]: Moderlikheid: Gesien in Pedagogiese Perspektief. University Publishers and Booksellers: Stellenbosch, 1971. Pp. 1-79. Ch. 4 edited 16 March 2014. CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: A PEDAGOGICAL PERSPECTIVE ON MOTHERLINESS 1. Introduction 2. The scientific questions 3. The phenomenological way 4. Motherhood in contrast to motherliness 5. Statement of the problem CHAPTER TWO: THE PEDAGOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE BIRTH-EVENT 1. Introduction 2. The birth-event as an act of acceptance 3. Birth as constitutive of individuality 4. Birth as constituting a face-to-face relationship CHAPTER THREE: THE PEDAGOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MOTHERLINESS IN CONTRAST TO MOTHERHOOD 1. Introduction 2. Motherliness as a caring being-in-the-world 3. The motherly caress 4. The motherly look 5. Motherly listening-to 6. Motherly addressing 7. Conclusion CHAPTER FOUR: RESPONSIBILITY: IN THE PEDAGOGICAL SITUATION WITH MOTHER 1. Introduction 2. An essence-analysis of the educative situation 3. Motherliness and the educative aim 4. Conclusion APPENDIX: ESSENCES OF THE REALITY OF EDUCATING (added by translator)