Translation (2011 [EDITED June 2023] ) of Gouws, Marthinus: Die psigiese lewe van die outistiese kind-in-opvoeding. M. Ed., University of Pretoria, 1979. Minor corrections, ch 2, January 29, 2016. CONTENT CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTORY ORIENTATION, STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM, AIM AND PLAN OF STUDY 1.I INTRODUCTORY ORIENTATION 1.1.1 The breakthrough of educating and teaching in intervening with the autistic child 1.1.2 The concept “autism” and the name “autistic child” 1.1.3 Criteria for identifying autism in children and the recognition of autism in practice a) General b) Criteria for identifying autism as compiled by Kanner c) The fourteen diagnostic criteria of Clancy d) Some observations about the different criteria for diagnosing autism e) Identifying autism in practice 1.1.4 The causes of autism 1.1.5 Prognosis 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.2.1 Preliminary statement of the problem 1.2.2 More precise statement of the problem a) A description of the psychic life of the autistic child-in- education as a task for psychopedagogics 1 General 2 Psychopedgogics as part-perspective (i) The concept “part-perspective” (ii) Psychopedagogics: its name and area of study b) Actualization of the psychic life 1 Learning and becoming as ways the psychic life of a child-in-education manifests itself 2 Essences in the childlike psychic life by which his learning and becoming are realized within the pedagogical situation 3 An interrogation of the realization of the psychic life of the autistic child-in-education with special reference to learning and becoming as modes of manifestation c) An orthopedagogical perspective 1 General 2 Orthopedagogics and orthopedagogy 3 The right for a psycho- (ortho-) pedagogical perspective to exist with particular reference to the autistic child-in-education d) A pedagogical accompaniment perspective on the present problematic 1.3 AIM OF STUDY 1.4 PLAN OF STUDY REFERENCES CHAPTER 2 THE AUTISTIC CHILD’S ACTUALIZATION OF LEARNING 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 THE MEANINGFUL CONNECTION BETWEEN LEARNING AND BECOMING 2.3 WHAT IS LEARNING? 2.4 THE ACTUALIZATION OF LEARNING BY THE AUTISTIC CHILD-IN-EDUCATION 2.4.1 Introduction 2.4.2 Accompanying modes of learning a) General b) Sensing c) Attending 2.4.3 Gnostic-cognitive modes of learning a) Observing/beholding b) Perceiving c) Imagining and fantasizing d) Thinking e) Remembering f) Actualizing intelligence 2.5 SYNTHESIS REFERENCES CHAPTER 3 THE BECOMING OF THE AUTISTIC CHILD-IN-EDUCATION 3.1 WHAT IS BECOMING? 3.1.1 Introductory orientation 3.1.2 A fundamental pedagogical perspective on childlike becoming 3.2 CHILDLIKE BECOMING AS ACTUALIZATION OF THE PSYCHIC LIFE WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE AUTISTIC CHILD-IN-EDUCATION 3.2.1 General 3.2.2 Essences of the psychic life of the child, as essences of becoming, with particular reference to the autistic child-in- education a) Experiencing as an essence of becoming 1 Conceptual clarification 2 Essences of experiencing 3 Some particularized essences of experiencing in psychopedagogical perspective a) Intending b) Orienting c) Knowing d) Anticipating 4 The significance of experiencing for childlike becoming 5 Some demands that adequate experiencing places on the child 6 The relationship between experiencing and lived experiencing 7 Experiencing by the autistic child b) Willing as an essence of becoming 1 Conceptual clarification 2 The structure of volitional life a) The moment of striving b) The moment of choosing c) The moment of deciding 3 Some particularized essences of the phenomenon of childlike willing 4 Willing as a way of actualizing childlike learning and becoming 5 Actualizing willing by the autistic child c) Lived experiencing as an essence of becoming 1 Conceptual clarification 2 Some essences of lived experiencing 3 Lived experiencing as a way of actualizing childlike learning and becoming 4 Lived experiencing by the autistic child d) Knowing as an essence of becoming 1 Conceptual clarification 2 Some essences of knowing 3 Particularized essences of knowing 4 Knowing as a way of actualizing childlike learning and becoming 6 Knowing by the autistic child e) Behaving as an essence of becoming 1 Conceptual clarification 2 Some essences of behaving a) Reflexive behaving b) Voluntary behaving c) Habitual behaving d) Expressive behaving 3 Behaving as a way of actualizing childlike learning and becoming 4 Behaving by the autistic child f) Conclusions 3.2.3 Ways of actualizing the childlike psychic life, as becoming, with particular reference to the autistic child-in-education a) General b) Exploring as childlike becoming c) Emancipating as childlike becoming d) Distancing as childlike becoming e) Differentiating as childlike becoming f) Objectifying as childlike becoming g) Conclusions 3.3 THE BECOMING OF THE AUTISTIC CHILD: SYNTHESIS REFERENCES CHAPTER 4 EDUCTING AND TEACHING AS ACCOMPANYING THE AUTISTIC CHILD TO SELF-ACTUALIZING HIS PSYCHIC LIFE POTENTIALITIES 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.2 SELF-ACTUALIZING THE POTENTIALITIES OF THE PSYCHIC LIFE 4.2.1 The concept self-actualizing described more closely 4.2.2 How does self-actualizing occur? 4.3 ACCOMPANYING TO SELF-ACTUALIZATION OF THE PSYCHIC LIFE AS THE ACTUALIZATION OF BECOMING 4.4 ACCOMPANYING THE AUTISTIC CHILD-IN-EDUCATION TO SELF-ACTUALIZE HIS PSYCHIC LIFE 4.4.1 Introductory orientation 4.4.2 Affectively accompanying the autistic child to self-actualization a) General b) The problematic of affectively accompanying the autistic child to self-actualization in the primary educative situation (i.e., the home) c) The particularized task of affectively accompanying the autistic child to affective self-actualization in the secondary educative situation (i.e., the school) 4.4.3 Cognitively accompanying the autistic child to cognitive self- actualization 4.4.4 Normatively accompanying the autistic child to normative self-actualization 4.4.5 Synthesis 4.5 EDUCATING AND TEACHING THE AUTISTIC CHILD AS A SPECIALIZED SHOOL’S TASK 4.5.1 Introductory orientation 4.5.2 The educative and teaching task of a school for autistic children a) General b) Awakening the autistic child’s learning-readiness, -directedness and –activities in a teaching situation c) Awakening the autistic child’s facial-, vocal- (voice) and visual-directedness as well as his attending d) Means for meeting the autistic child’s need for a means of communicating e) Providing specialized help in speech instruction and speech therapy to the autistic child f) Means for promoting the autistic child’s gross and fine motor movements g) Means for promoting the autistic child’s agility, rhythmic Bodily control and play activities h) Means to make the autistic child aware of his own body and body schema, and to allow him to acquire knowledge of his own body and its uses i) Means for promoting independence in the autistic child j) Means for promoting the autistic child’s association with others and self-assertion in community contexts 4.5.3 The activities of the School for Autistic Children located in Mowbray, Cape Town: An exemplary overview 4.5.4 Synthesis REFERENCES CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 SUMMARY 5.1.1 Introductory orientation, statement of the problem, aim and plan of study (a) The breakthrough of educating and teaching in intervening with autistic children (b) The concept “autism” and the name “autistic child” (c) The causes of autism (d) Prognosis (e) Statement of the problem (i) Preliminary statement of the problem (ii) A more precise statement of the problem (f) Aim of the study 5.1.2 The autistic child’s actualization of learning (a) General (b) Learning and the autistic child 5.1.3 The becoming (adult) of an autistic child-in-education (a) General (b) Essences of the psychic life of the child-in-education as essences of becoming (i) Experiencing as an essence of becoming (ii) Willing as an essence of becoming (iii) Lived experiencing as an essence of becoming (iv) Knowing as an essence of becoming (v) Behaving as an essence of becoming (c) Modes of actualizing the childlike psychic life, as becoming, within an educative situation with special reference to an autistic child (i) Exploring as childlike becoming (ii) Emancipating as childlike becoming (iii) Distancing as childlike becoming (iv) Differentiating as childlike becoming (v) Objectifying as childlike becoming 5.1.4 Educating and teaching as accompanying an autistic child to self-actualize his psychic life potentialities (a) General (b) Accompanying an autistic child to self-actualize his psychic life (i) Affective accompaniment (ii) Cognitive accompaniment (iii) Normative accompaniment (c) Educating and teaching an autistic child as the task of a specialized school (i) General (ii) Some orthodidactic tasks (d) Synthesis 5.2 FINDINGS 5.2.1 The identification of autism and the course of an autistic child’s becoming 5.2.2 The course of learning of an autistic child 5.2.3 Educating and teaching 5.2.4 Teacher preparation 5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.3.1 The identification of autism and the course of becoming of the autistic child 5.3.2 Recommendations regarding the autistic child’s learning 5.3.3 Recommendations regarding educating and teaching autistic children 5.3.4 Recommendations for preparing teachers for autistic children 5.4 PERSPECTIVE REFERENCES SUMMARY BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX