Personal Actualization: Psychopedagogics for Student Teachers.

Crous, S. F. M.

Translation (1997)  [EDITED May 2024]of: Persoonsvoltrekking: psigopedagogiek vir onderwysstudente. Unpublished manuscript, 1984. Chapter V figure added January 10, 2013. Edited September 29, 2018.   Edited August 2022:  added original chapter V and added modified chapter V as appedix

CONTENTS CHAPTER I: FROM REALITY TO SCIENCE 1. Reality as point of departure 2. The phenomenological method 3. Pedagogics as science 4. Preliminary questions 5. References

CHAPTER II: THE PRECONDITIONS FOR PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION 1. Introduction 2. Guiding to personal actualiazation 3. Self-actualization 4. Summary 5. References

CHAPTER III: PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION BY ACTUALIZING THE PSYCHIC LIFE AND LEARNING 1. Introduction 2. Actualizing the psychic life 3. Intelligence and actualizing the psychic life 4. Learning and actualizing the psychic life 5. Summary 6. References

CHAPTER IV: THE RESULTS OF PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION 1. Introduction 2. The outcome or embodiment of a child’s self-actualizartion 3. Synthesis: A possible basic psychopedagogic structure 4. References

CHAPTER V: LEARNING AND PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION 1. Introduction 2. A psychopedagogic perspective on learning 3. Learning and curriculum planning 4. Summary 5. References

CHAPTER VI: PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION IN THE CLASSROOM 1. Introduction 2. Psychopedagogics and lesson practice 3. Summary 4. References

CHAPTER VII: PERSONAL ACTUALIZATION DURING DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE 1. Introduction 2. The preschool period 3. The primary school child 4. The secondary school child 5. Summary 6. References