Ordering (Arranging) Learning Material in the Lesson Situation

Basson, N. J. S.

Translation (2005)  [EDITED June 2024]of Leerstofordening in die lessituasie (1973). Johannesburg: McGraw-Hill. CONTENT CHAPTER 1. ORDERING (ARRANGING) LEARNING MATERIAL FOR THE LESSON SITUATION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Earlier and existing principles of ordering 1.3 Problems regarding ordering learning material arising from existing practice 1.4 Some remarks about the lesson structure 1.5 Summary CHAPTER 2: THE LESSON STRUCTURE AND THE PLACE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ORDERING WITHIN IT 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The lesson situation as formal teaching situation in didactic practice 2.3 The essences of the lesson structure 2.4 The sense of the being-structure in the lesson situation 2.5 Principles of ordering the learning material as part-moment of the planning structure 2.6 Summarized thoughts about the concept "formal didactic situation" CHAPTER 3: A THEORETICAL PENETRATION OF SOME PRINCIPLES OF ORDERING (ARRANGING) LEARNING MATERIAL 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Learning material 3.3 Principles of ordering learning material 3.4 The choice of a principle of ordering CHAPTER 4: THE UNIQUE NATURE OF PHYSICS IN CHOOSING AND IMPLEMENTING PRINCIPLES OF ORDERING 4.1 The unique nature and structure of physics 4.2 Examples illustrating the implementation of certain principles